How to treat Impotence?

Erectile dysfunction is medically known as impotence, erectile disorder or potency disorders. This is a condition in which a man cannot erect or maintain a sufficient amount of penis for normal sexual intercourse, despite sexual stimulation.

How does an Erection occur?

Erectile tissue is found in the penis. These vessels dilate and fill with blood during erections. The protein causes this increased filling by relaxing the muscles surrounding the blood vessels. This allows blood to flow in and the cavities of the epistle tissue become fuller.

The penis becomes longer. In turn, the blood volume increases, which in turn squeezes the veins of the corpus cavernosum, allowing less blood to flow out. The penis expands and straightens as a result. Women can also experience erections, which are caused by swelling of the clitoris or labia. Erectile dysfunction can also occur in women. We are not concerned with impotence in men.


It is not possible to collect data on the frequency of impotence. But, studies and treatment data allow us to draw conclusions. Experts believe that around 20 percent of men experience erectile dysfunction, which requires treatment. As we age, the likelihood of impotence rises. 

While the majority of men suffering from erectile dysfunction are over 60 years old, episodes of impotence that are medically significant are common in men aged 50-60. Impotence in men below 40 years old is rare, occurring only 2% of the time.


It is well-known that impotence can manifest in a variety of symptoms. The symptoms of impotence are well-known. This can occur, for instance, in the vagina or still during foreplay. However, it is not possible to ejaculate. If you already suffer from impotence, try taking Eroxel every day, you will notice the changes immediately: Eroxel Buy


There are many causes of impotence. Recent research has shown that impotence can have more organic causes than was previously thought. Impotence may also be a sign of diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Many times, erectile dysfunction can be caused by injuries to the pelvic or genital area.

Stress, anxiety, and depression can all be caused by psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety, or medication (e.g. Impotence can also be caused by hormones, beta-blockers, blood lipid lowering drugs, dehydrating agents and psychotropic drugs.

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Common causes of Impotence

  • Circulatory diseases and vascular disease such as high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, or other vascular conditions
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic diseases like diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS), diseases of the nervous system, such as stroke, brain tumors, strokes, paraplegia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Hormone disorders like testosterone deficiency and hyperthyroidism can include hypothyroidism, hypothyroidism, and testosterone deficiency.

Risk Factors for Impotence

  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • regular alcohol consumption, alcohol abuse
  • Use of drugs

Psychological issues associated with Impotence

Erectile dysfunction can happen at any age, but it is quite common. Problems with the mind are what cause it. Even a first-time erectile dysfunction can plunge a man into a deep crisis.  Fear of failure and self-doubt can make it difficult for him. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by the pressure to perform in the next sexual act. 

It is important to recognize the psychological issues associated with impotence. It can cause great stress for a man because of the ever-increasing pressure and fear of failing again. Depression and problems in the relationship can also follow. Even social isolation and divorce can be caused by impotence. No matter what the cause of impotence is, Eroxel will help you eliminate it at its root and without causing side effects: Eroxel Farmacy

What can you do to treat Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction affects around 16 percent of men. If a person experiences a (morning-time) erection while asleep, they know that their problem is psychological and not physically.

You can seek medical attention if the cause is serious. However, you should first try these tips:

Home Remedies and natural treatments: You can use home remedies before you resort to medication. Ginger tea stimulates blood flow to your pelvic organs.

Be Healthier: There are many risk factors that can lead to erectile dysfunction. These can be prevented by living a healthier life. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by lack of exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, and psychological stress.

Deal with Partners: Erectile dysfunction can have a profound impact on a relationship as well as on sexual coexistence. Effected men should not be afraid to tell their partner about the problem so they can work together to solve it. Without discussions, both partners can be dependent on their fantasies and assumptions, which can lead to mutual distrust.

Sport: Those who train hard for sex can reduce the production of sexhormones. Endorphins released can create an exhilaration but also inhibit feelings. However, they do not inhibit arousal.

Medication: Erectile dysfunction can be a nightmare for many men. But you shouldn’t be afraid to seek medical advice. There are many options and treatments available to help. A doctor can diagnose you and prescribe medication. PDE-5 inhibitors (phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors) increase blood flow and oxygen supply to penis. This will improve the erectile functions of the penis and enable the erectile tissue again to function.

Eroxel: The Best Natural Treatment for Impotence

The main benefit to be gained from using Eroxel is related to penis enlargement. In fact, after a few weeks you will notice an strengthening of the penis. You will feel the changes instantly. We recommend purchasing Eroxel from the Official Website: Eroxel Original